In an unnerving article, “I Used Apple AirTags, Tiles and a GPS Tracker to Watch My Husband’s Every Move,” Kashmir Hill describes the advanced, and affordable, technology available to individuals …
In this fascinating article from Wired, Aarian Marshall explains how the complexity of computer systems in cars has now resulted in thorny legal issues about intellectual property–the rights of car …
In this timely article, Amanda Besar, Jennifer Li, and Valentina Vera Quiroz–writing for the Institute for Rebooting Social Media–re-cap the discussions from workshops dedicated to analyzing the interactions between social …
Check out these upcoming Digital Humanities workshops and institutes, on myriad fascinating topics and hosted by various universities and institutions! 1. NYC Digital Humanities Week— February 7-11, 2022 2. Data …
The MS Program in Data Analysis and Visualization and the Mina Rees Library invite you to attend a talk this week by data artist Jer Thorpe. Living in Data Jer …
The GC Digital Research Institute (DRI) educates in more ways even than advertised. GC Digital Initiatives (GCDI), the program that runs the DRI, advertises that it will teach CUNY students, …
written by Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Robert McNamara is remembered as JFK’s and LBJ’s secretary of defense, who was a primary motivator in escalating the Vietnam War. What is less known about McNamara–as discussed in this …
This article from MIT discusses a new paper from University of Waterloo (Ontario), in which researchers suggest that there may be a way to trim down on the number of …
This article from The New Yorker dives into the longstanding content moderation troubles at Facebook. At heart is the difficulty of balancing a platform that values “free speech,” on the …
Google is planning to offer new services to tech companies regarding AI ethics, despite having a spotty past itself on such issues. Some services are specific, such as detecting racial …
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