Last March, with support from the Publics Lab and the English program, we held an online roundtable discussion, Dissertation Futures. Led by Drs. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Marisa Parham, Kay Sohini, and …
Category: News
Attending the DRI is like Savoring a Multi-Course Coding Meal
By Maren Rothfritz As someone who always thought that anything related to computing languages was beyond my grasp, I now find myself fascinated by digital research tools and I really …
Why the DRI was exactly what I needed to get started with programming.
By Marisa Iovino Computers have been a space for self-discovery and exploration throughout my life. From instant messaging my friends to using the web to complete research papers, I basically …
Event on Researching Social Media Now
Git on It: Making a Case for GitHub to “Non-Coder” Academics
This year I taught two workshops on GitHub—an introduction to git and GitHub in the Fall and a lesson on using GitHub for building static websites in the Spring. As …
CfT: Call for Tips for Better Hybrid Experiences
CfT: Call for Tips for Better Hybrid Experiences We just passed our third year of virtual learning and relying on videoconferencing and we are grappling with the uneven emergence. “post …
Comparing Floating Point Numbers in R
Floating Trap Today we will discuss an important topic in programming in R especially when you are dealing with numerical methods, ex., comparing numbers with many decimals. The problem comes …
Dissertation Futures (Monday, Mar 27th @ 1230pm – 2pm ONLINE)
WordPress: Thinking about the aesthetics
Now that we discuss the basics of creating content, I would like to dedicate a small section to the basics of the appearance of your website. The first thing to …