There’s this meme that’s been going around the internet for a little while now. The format of the meme is “I forced a bot to watch X amount of Y, …
Author: Rachel Rakov
Audio Annotation with Praat and Python: Reflections on a workshop
Last night, as our final GCDI Sound Series workshop of the semester, I taught a new workshop: Audio Annotation with Praat and Python. And when I say “new”, I mean …
Introducing Student Consultations!
This semester, the GC Digital Fellows will pilot one-on-one and small group consultations by appointment in order to provide graduate students at the GC with assistance on their digital projects …
First ever GC Digital Scholarship Lab Open House – Join us on February 27th
Are you curious about the GC Digital Scholarship Lab, the Digital Fellows, and the services that we provide? Come join us on Tuesday, February 27th, from 12pm-6pm for our first …
Problems with Python? The Python Users’ Group is Here to Help!
Guess what, everyone? The Python Users’ Group (or PUG) is back in action starting on Tuesday, February 20th for another great semester! PUG is a bi-weekly, open, and informal opportunity …
New blog post from the GC Digital Fellows on Tagging the Tower
Passions, Projects, and Python
Two days before this semester’s Introduction to Python Programming workshop (which was held this past Tuesday night), I came across the following tweet from Jake VanderPlas, author of ‘The Whirlwind …
The Text Analysis Working Group meets again!
Learning to program, for everybody
Every time I teach a Python workshop, I inevitably end up telling the story of my first month of Python programming. I started learning Python when I arrived at the …
Next Meeting of Text Analysis Working Group on 3/2/2017!
The GC Digital Projects Working Groups are excited announce the next meeting of the Text Analysis Working Group! The Text Analysis Working Group is designed to bring together people who …