A Matter of Time: A Brief History of Time Series in R and Beyond | Meetup

About the Talk:
Time series are everywhere, and fundamentally different than all other data. To effectively work with these series demands highly specialized tools–as dates, times, notation, calendars, time zones, and more must be carefully managed while doing even basic operations like subsetting, merging, aggregating and dealing with missingness. If not handled properly, all of your analysis could be at risk. Specialized tools for time have been part of R since the beginning, but have seen enormous changes over the last decade. In this talk we’ll explore where we started, what we have now and what might be on the horizon. I’ll try to show the whole story in code and tell my unique perspective as someone who’s been lucky enough to be part of its history–and actively working on crafting its future for R, and beyond.

Pizza (https://bit.ly/pizzapoll) begins at 6:30, the talk starts at 7, then after we head to the local bar.

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