When I started my oral history project two years ago, I knew very little about microphones and recorders. I knew I had to get a decent quality recording so that …
The Graduate Center Digital Fellows are here to help provide support for your digital projects and digital research methods. One way that we do this is by holding office hours …
Given the wide array of mapping tools available, it could be hard to know which ones will best suit the needs of a given project. This post will review and …
There might not be a Netflix original series about it, but organizing our digital life is today at least as important as organizing any other aspects of our life—if not …
Last month, I led a workshop for the GC Digital Initiatives on “Getting Started with TEI.” For those who don’t know, TEI (short for Text Encoding Initiative) is a method …
A few years ago when I was taking a class in advanced cartography, I was introduced to ESRI Story maps, a webapp that allows you to blend text, maps, 3D …
In November of 2015, shortly after beginning my career as a doctoral student at the Graduate Center, I received an email from Victor Papa, president of the Two Bridges Neighborhood …
In the mapping workshops that we offer, a recurrent question refers to where to get the data. Every time students attend one of these workshops, all the datasets are given …
What do you know about text analysis (also known as text mining)? If you’re familiar with data mining, or extracting information or patterns from data sets, you can probably imagine …
**Note that this blog post is revised and updated every semester, typically in early September or February. Links in this post may be outdated. For up to date information, please …