Submit a Case Study or Assignment
Next Review Date: September 30, 2021
Are you working on a research project or course assignment that fits one or more of our project types? We’re looking for new examples to add to our case study and assignment showcases. Learn more. Submissions are reviewed quarterly.
What are the essential steps needed to plan and execute a digital project?
Beth Fischer (Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Humanities at the Williams College Museum of Art) and Hannah Jacobs (Digital Humanities Specialist, Digital Art History & Visual Culture Research Lab, Duke University) have set out to gather and share this information with researchers and instructors in the early stages of digital project development. The outcome-in-progress is a peer-reviewed open resource we are designing to fill the gap between platform-specific tutorials and disciplinary discourse in digital humanities.
This web publication offers
guidance on workflows, resources, and computational principles;
topics applicable to many types of projects, including that arise in archival, dimensional, narrative, quantitative, spatial, temporal, and network visualization projects;
modular, downloadable content, allowing users to build custom annotated guides.
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What do others say about our work? Check out our Spring 2021 review in Reviews in DH vol. 2 no. 5.
Source: Visualizing Objects, Places, and Spaces: A Digital Project Handbook