Greetings all!
The Digital Archive Research Collective (DARC) Team has some exciting updates for you!
First, DARC has planned a series of events and workshops for the GC community this semester. The series kicked off last week with a full house for Mary Rizzo’s talk, “The Social Backend: Community-Driven Digital Archives and Exhibits,” followed the next day by Filipa Calado’s workshop “Getting Started with TEI.”
The series continues tomorrow night. GC Digital Fellow Stefano Morello will be leading a workshop on Tropy, an open source Archival Research Photo Management tool that can help you make our own research material more legible. Click here to reserve your spot!
Additional workshops are scheduled for next month, including Using Audacity for Oral History with D Yoong and Working with Hathi Trust with Param Ajmera.
More events are forthcoming! You can get updated directly to your inbox by joining the DARC Commons group, or you can check the GCDI Calendar.
Second, DARC will be hosting their first public group meeting on Thursday, February 13 at 12:30 pm. Come by the Digital Scholarship Lab (Room 7414), if you’re around!
Last but not least – here’s the link to the DARC Wiki (cuny.is/darc-wiki) that the GC Digital Fellows have been working on for some time. The Wiki contains information about various institutional resources (including funding), featured projects by students and faculty at the GC, and overviews of several archival methods, approaches, and tools. They plan to expand it over the coming months, but feel free to create content, propose edits, and your projects to our database.
More excitement at the horizon!
The DARC Team (Stefano, Filipa, Di, Param)
The Digital Archive Research Collective (DARC) offers centralized and dedicated support to the emergent community of students, faculty, and staff who are working on digital archival projects throughout The Graduate Center.
DARC is a project of GC Digital Initiatives (GCDI) at The Graduate Center, CUNY.