The Digital GC: April 3 – 7, 2017

In an ongoing effort to surface and share relevant events, publications, workshops, and opportunities that may be of interest to “The Digital GC” community, GC Digital Initiatives posts regular updates each Monday to our blog.

If you would like for us to share information about an upcoming event, workshop, or other announcement relevant to the Digital GC community, you can submit your information through the Digital GC Submission Form.

New @ the Digital GC

The GC Digital Fellows and GC Digital Initiatives are excited to announce that we are hosting a symposium on “Activism and the Intersectional Internet: Power and Resistance,” and we are currently inviting submissions!  The half-day symposium on digital activism will bring together designers, software developers, community organizers and scholars to discuss the possibilities and limitations of digital activism — past and present — and its relationship to offline grassroots efforts. Our keynote speaker will be distinguished scholar, activist and media-maker Dr. Sasha Costanza-Chock, Associate Professor of Civic Media at MIT. The deadline for abstract submissions is next Friday, April 14th. The symposium will be in the morning of May 17th, 2017 at the CUNY Graduate Center Segal Theater. Learn more about the symposium and how to apply here.

This week, the GC Digital Fellows’ website features a post on learning to code in Python by Rachel Rakov titled, “Learning to Program, for Everybody.” Do you want to learn to code?  But it feels impossibly difficult to even begin to learn?  Rachel walks through her own story of her first month of Python programming, how she pushed through it and how you can too.  As Rachel says, “My goal is to lower the appearance of a barrier of entry to coding, and to make learning to code as accessible as possible to everyone who wants to learn.” And don’t forget to stop by our Python Users’ Group (PUG) on Wednesdays from 12:00 – 2:00 PM  in the Digital Scholarship Lab for support from fellow Python-ers!

Lastly, a reminder to check out the featured project on the GC Digital Fellows’ website, “Visualizing the Local Impact of the NEH,” in light of Trump’s recent federal budget announcement.   Where and what kinds of projects receive funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)?  How might we visualize such funding to reflect upon the devastating effects that cutting this funding would have?  Jojo Karlin walks through various data visualizations of the NEH budget that the Digital Fellows, particularly Tahir Butt and Hannah Aizenman, produced following the lead of GC Digital Initiatives Deputy Director Dr. Lisa Rhody. Also, if you want to participate in this project, please contact [email protected] or come by Python Users’ Group (PUG).

GC Digital Initiatives Resources

The GC Digital Initiatives offer a wide range of resources to support your interests in scholarly communication, digital scholarship and research methods, digital humanities, and digital pedagogy. Have a question? Want to try something new? Interested in finding a community of resources using a similar digital tool? Here are some of the GC Digital Initiatives resources that you can take advantage of this week.

Monday Maker Hours
When: alternating Mondays from 4:00 – 6:00 PM, next is April 3
Where: The Digital Scholarship Lab, Graduate Center Room 7414

GC Digital Fellows Office Hours
When: Tuesdays from 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Where: The Digital Scholarship Lab, Graduate Center Room 7414

Python Users’ Group (PUG)
When: Wednesdays 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Where: The Digital Scholarship Lab, Graduate Center Room 7414

GCDI Digital Project Working Groups
The next meetings of the Text Analysis and GIS Working Groups will be announced soon.
Interested in participating? Sign Up!

Workshops & Discussions @ The GC

The GC Digital Fellows of GCDI and many of our partners across the GC offer workshops related to our mission to promote a Digital GC. Here’s what’s planned this week:

GC Futures Initiative Spring Symposium: Pedagogy, Research, and Social Change
When: Monday, April 3, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Where: GC Skylight Conference Room, 9th Floor

GC Library Workshop: What to Know Before You Submit to a Journal, or Sign Its Contract
When: Tuesday, April 4, 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Where: GC Library Basement, Room C196.05

GC Library Workshop: Grants 101
When: Wednesday, April 5, 2:30 – 4:00 PM
Where: GC Library Basement, Room C196.05

New Media Lab General Meeting: Federico Di Pasqua, “Introduction to Classical Cultures,” and Mani García-Lesy, “‘Deaf Friendly’ Digital Emotion Assessment with the Self-Assessment Manikin”
When: Thursday, April 6, 12:30 – 2:00 PM
Where: GC New Media Lab, Room 7388.01

GC Library and New York Public Library: Collaborative Research Seminar on Archives and Special Collections
When: Thursday, April 6, 5:45 PM
Where: TBA.
Please note that registration is now closed.

Events Nearby

There’s so much going on in the NYC area. Here are just a few of the events that caught our eye.

Data & Society: Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality
When: Thursday, April 6, 3:30 PM
Where: Data & Society, 36 West 20th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY, 10011

Theorizing the Web #TtW17 Conference
When: Friday, April 7 to Saturday, April 8 (detailed schedule here)
WhereThe Museum of the Moving Image, 36-01 35 Ave, Astoria, NY
Note that you must register beforehand to guarantee space – the link to register is here.

NYU Law School: International Workshop on Obfuscation: Science, Technology, and Theory
When: Friday, April 7 to Saturday, April 8
Where: New York University Law School
More details on the schedule and locations here.

NYU Urban Democracy Lab Symposium: Humanizing Data: Data, Humanities, and the City
When: Saturday, April 8, 9:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Where: New York University, 20 Cooper Square, 5th Floor, New York, NY

Calls for Participation & Funding Opportunities

GC Teaching and Learning Center Fellowship (2017-2018 Academic Year, total fellowship compensation is approximately $28,000)
Deadline to apply: April 5, 2017

Google Code Jam (Rounds range from April to August 2017)
Register before: the Online Qualification Round on April 7 at 23:00 UTC.

Call for Proposals: HSTAC 2017: “The Possible Worlds of Digital Humanities” (Nov. 2-4, 2017 in Orlando, FL)
Deadline for submissions: April 7, 2017

Call for Papers: CUNY GC Digital Fellows and GC Digital Initiatives Half-Day Symposium: “Activism and the Intersectional Internet: Power and Resistance” (May 17th, 2017 in New York, NY)
Deadline for submissions: April 14, 2017

Google Public Policy Fellowship (award amount: $7,500)
Applications due: 12:00 AM midnight EST May 26, 2017

Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT) Training Institute June 5-9, 2017 in Austin, Texas)
Registration is currently open. HILT is a 5-day training institute on Digital Humanities theory, practice, and culture.

HASTAC & James Madison University’s 2017 Feminist Scholars Digital Workshop (June 12-18, 2017 online via Slack)
Registration is currently open. The workshop is free and open to anyone interested in feminist research.