Opportunity: Outreach Coordinator position for DH Box


DH Box, an NEH-funded project that aims to make Digital Humanities tools more accessible to students and researchers, is looking for an outreach coordinator. This part-time position would ideally be filled by a graduate student with a research interest in the digital humanities, library science, or related social science discipline.
Responsibilities will include engagement with social media, writing blog posts and releases, and attending related events and meetings in the New York City area. The candidate will also engage users of the DH Box platform through live demonstrations and hands-on training. These duties will total approximately five to six hours per week and will be compensated at $37 per hour.
The candidate should have a demonstrated ability to communicate in writing, over social media, and in person. Past experience in digital humanities pedagogy or other technical training background is preferred, and familiarity with GitHub is a plus. Knowledge of the digital humanities as a discipline and as a community is strongly desired.
About DH Box
DH Box is a Digital Humanities laboratory in the cloud. The platform provides an accessible means of accessing cutting-edge DH tools without a lengthy and technically challenging process of installation and configuration. DH Box is in active development—try our live demo at dhbox.org or visit us on GitHub atgithub.com/DH-Box/dhbox.
To apply, send your CV with a statement of interest to [email protected]. Please also feel free to provide links to past work or other relevant information.