The GC Digital Initiatives, CUNY DHI, and the GC Digital Fellows invite you to join us for a panel and discussion on Evaluating, Valuing, and Promoting Digital Scholarship.
April 21, 2015 at The Graduate Center in Room 9204 from 6:30-8:30 pm
(For livestream information, click here).
Digital resources and methods are deeply embedded in academic research. However, processes for evaluation, peer review, and assessment projects that include digital scholarship have not kept pace with the technological and methodological changes that have altered research practices in many academic disciplines. Often, those not directly involved in digital projects are hesitant to use and assess them, especially if they are not familiar with the theoretical basis for a particular digital undertaking. In addition, digital work tends to be collaborative and interdisciplinary, offering new challenges for measuring the contributions of individuals. This panel is for both the enthusiastic and the skeptical, speaking both to those interested in creating and presenting digital work and those wishing to better understand and assess the digital scholarship of their colleagues.
Steven Jones
Professor of English and Co-Director, and Co-Director of the Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities, Loyola University Chicago
“Welcome to the Interdiscipline”
Sonia K. González
MPH, DPH candidate in the CUNY School of Public Health, and Assistant Program Officer, Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate
“There’s an App for That, But Does It Work? Development of the Evaluation of a Sexual Health Mobile-Based App”
Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis
Visiting Assistant Professor and Deputy Executive Officer, MA in Liberal Studies, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Digital Digs: Training Archaeologists and Evaluating Digital Archaeology in the 21st Century”
Chris Allen Sula
Assistant Professor, Pratt Institute, School of Information & Library Science
“Methods, Disciplines, and Evaluating Scholarly Work in the Digital Humanities”
Amanda Visconti
PhD, University of Maryland, Literature and Digital Dissertation Fellow at Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)
“Assessing Digital Humanities Dissertations: How to Plan, Track Progress, and Evaluate Work that Doesn’t Develop in Chapters”
A.L. McMichael
PhD candidate in Art History and GC Digital Fellow, The Graduate Center, CUNY
panel moderator
This event is co-sponsored by the Futures Initiative, the New Media Lab and the ITP Certificate Program. It is free and open to the public. The Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue, NYC.
RT @chrisalensula: Excited to speak at CUNY #DigitalGC panel tonight on evaluating digital humanities scholarship
RT @chrisalensula: Excited to speak at CUNY #DigitalGC panel tonight on evaluating digital humanities scholarship
RT @anna_kijas: If you’re in/near NYC, don’t miss panel on Evaluating, Valuing, & Promoting Digital Scholarship | #B…
If you’re in/near NYC, don’t miss panel on Evaluating, Valuing, & Promoting Digital Scholarship | #BCDigSchol
Excited to speak at CUNY #DigitalGC panel tonight on evaluating digital humanities scholarship
Are you excited about “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” tomorrow, 4/21? We are!
RT @Digital_Fellows: Join us for “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” panel on 4/21. #digitalGC
RT @FuturesED: Don’t miss this panel on evaluating digital scholarship! 4/21 6:30PM @cunygcdi @cunydhi #DigitalGC #r…
RT @Digital_Fellows: Join us for “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” panel on 4/21. #digitalGC
RT @Digital_Fellows: Join us for “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” panel on 4/21. #digitalGC
RT @FuturesED: Don’t miss this panel on evaluating digital scholarship! 4/21 6:30PM @cunygcdi @cunydhi #DigitalGC #r…
RT @FuturesED: Don’t miss this panel on evaluating digital scholarship! 4/21 6:30PM @cunygcdi @cunydhi #DigitalGC #r…
RT @Digital_Fellows: Join us for “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” panel on 4/21. #digitalGC
Don’t miss this panel on evaluating digital scholarship! 4/21 6:30PM @cunygcdi @cunydhi #DigitalGC #remixthediss
.MT @Digital_Fellows: Join us for “Evaluating #Digital Scholarship” panel on 4/21. #digitalGC #digitalhumanities
RT @Digital_Fellows: Join us for “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” panel on 4/21. #digitalGC
RT @Digital_Fellows: Join us for “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” panel on 4/21. #digitalGC
Join us for “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” panel on 4/21. #digitalGC