Floating Trap Today we will discuss an important topic in programming in R especially when you are dealing with numerical methods, ex., comparing numbers with many decimals. The problem comes …
Author: Yuxiao Luo
How to Update R from R using the “installr” Package
Before we start R is a powerful statistical/data science programming language. It is also an open-source program that requires regular updates to stay functionally up-to-date. There are different ways of …
Introduction to R Markdown
Before we start This is a short tutorial to discuss the basic Markdown syntax and essential features of R Markdown to an R user with no experience in Markdown. `R` …
Introduction to R and RStudio
What is R and RStudio? The term R is referring to both the programming language and the free software environment for data analysis and graphics. R is widely used for …
Using RQDA for Qualitative Data Analysis
Why Do I Need Qualitative Data Analysis Software? I’m a PhD student in Business (Information Systems), and I employed qualitative research methods in two of my previous projects to analyze …