Last month, our HASTAC scholars presented our work in the Digital Scholars’ Showcase. Please check the following link for the presentation I gave: https://prezi.com/view/BDhH0VHc8OPWfF5bHv24/
In my brief talk, I shared how I came to DH via happenstance when a classmate of mine shared their engagement with DH on campus. After meeting with the staff at the KU Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities, I became even more interested, and have since learned a lot about what DH is and have worked to incorporate it into my studies and future career.
I will include here how I envision my DH project unfolding, and my “DH journey” over the past 2 years. My work collects original oral histories of women warriors who contributed to the anti-apartheid struggle. This past fall, I applied for a National Geographic storytelling fellowship to refine a digital archive featuring the oral history narratives of Namibian women freedom fighters. The project will provide an enduring testimonial to women’s contributions to the struggle.
Continue reading Digital Humanities (DH) at KU – Being a HASTAC Scholar on HASTAC’s site. HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) is an interdisciplinary community of humanists, artists, social scientists, scientists, and technologists changing the way we teach and learn.