Applications open for GCDI Digital Research Bootcamp



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Curious about using new technology in your research?

Seeking the skills to jump start your own digital projects?

Digital Research Bootcamp

when: January 19–22, 2016

what: four-day intensive in digital research methods

where: The Graduate Center, CUNY

why: to equip our academic community with digital research skills

who: for CUNY graduate students and faculty of all skill levels and disciplines (no previous digital experience required)

GC Digital Initiatives invites applicants for the inaugural Digital Research Bootcamp, an opportunity to develop digital research skills and connect with like-minded colleagues in an interdisciplinary environment. Free of charge to participants, the GC Digital Research Bootcamp has been developed in partnership with Software Carpentry, the New York Public Library, Mozilla Science Lab, Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching, and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute thanks to the sponsorship of GCDI, The Graduate Center, and The CUNY Strategic Investment Initiatives Program.
Visit to apply. We advise applicants to apply early to secure a spot. Please direct questions and inquiries to [email protected]