Project Name: Educational Policies and New York City Latinos in the Current Racial Political Economy
Grantee: Edwin Mayorga
Discipline: Urban Education
Funding Cycle: 2013-2014
Project Status: In progress
About The Project
Educational Policies and New York City Latinos in the Current Racial Political Economy is a digitally mediated, racio-economic analysis of urban restructuring, education reform and related implications for Latinos in East Harlem, New York. In this project, digital technologies are not treated as an addendum to ethnographic research but are instead essential tools of twenty-first century science– systematic inquiry and analysis-– for the public good (public science project, n.d.).
Three digital tools or platforms are being used in this study: a public website, digital video, and digital storytelling. The website will serve as the public face of the study and as the primary platform for organizing, sharing, and discussing collected data concerning education issues in New York City’s Latino core communities, or communities that have historically been majority Latino. In addition data will be collected through digitally recorded interviews and digital storytelling (DS) through Vojo.co. Vojo.co is a platform for providing local residents and stakeholders an opportunity to produce and share their own views through voice mail and texting (sms). By weaving these digital tools and platforms into the study it thus becomes a means to explore how to make social science research accessible, meaningful and interactive for a multi-scalar public audience. The website launched in May 2013 and will be used though the end of this study in May of 2014.