Provost’s Digital Innovation Grants: Street Medicine Apps

Street Medicine Apps

Suzanne Tamang, Computer Science

Street medicine practitioners provide psycho-social and medical support at protests, occupations, uprisings, and natural disasters that have the potential to be further complicated by limited access to traditional medical care.  Using mobile technology as a medium to support street medics and promote health and safety among activist communities, this project will enable multi-platform access to resources used by international street medic trainers for two groups of target users: (1) a ‘pro’ version for street medics that may require access to clinical information and other support resources on-demand, and (2) a ‘lite’ version for non-medics that require basic information on safety at protests, first-aid and affinity groups.  A prototype for the app has already been developed at CUNY’s New Media Lab.  The award will provide financial support for programming work, additional training in app and web development, hosting services for three years, and Apple licensing costs for the production application.  Android and Blackberry code will be made freely available.

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