Digital Scholarship Lab Virtual Open House


Are you curious about the GC Digital Scholarship Lab, the GC Digital Fellows and the services that we provide? Come join us at our Digital Scholarship Lab Virtual Open House …

Tools for the Digital Humanities


Join us to see the possibilities for doing Digital Humanities work and learn about DH tools, methods, and projects! With the remarkable array of digital tools available, it can be …

Jer Thorp–Living In Data


The MS Program in Data Analysis and Visualization and the Mina Rees Library invite you to attend a talk next week by data artist Jer Thorpe. Living in Data Jer …

Introduction to Python


This online workshop will cover the basics of working with Python and is designed for beginners with no programming experience. About this event Python is a programming language that can …

RUG (R User Group) Meeting


Hi, I hope everyone is doing well! The schedule for this semester is the same as last semester, with meetings from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm every other Friday. See …

Introduction to R and R Studio


This workshop is intended to get interested users up to speed with the R language and the RStudio interactive developing environment. About this event R is a versatile programming language, …

Event Series GIS User Group

GIS User Group


The GIS User Group is a place for people to meet, learn and work together on projects and ideas involving spatial data visualization and analyses. We are open to anyone …

Creating interactive, visual, data driven websites in WordPress


This workshop will review how to create a free CUNY Academic Commons website and how to embed audio and visual elements into the website. About this event Whether you are seeking to make your research publicly available, host an interactive website for your courses, or track research for your M.A. thesis or dissertation, creating websites …