Upcoming Workshop (3/23): Citizen Cartography @NYPL + Map Warper

Citizen Cartography @NYPL: Map Warper Workshop at The Graduate Center

GC Digital Initiatives and CUNY DHI invite you to attend a special workshop in collaboration with the New York Public Library, hosted at The Graduate Center, CUNY.

Join us:

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Room C203, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Register in advance on our EventBrite page

The New York Public Library’s Map Warper is a free online crowdsourcing tool that enables librarians and the general public to align digital images of historical maps with today’s map through a process called georectification, or “warping” maps. As part of NYPL’s ongoing commitment to creating new publicly available resources and building new platforms for historical research, the Library has set out to warp over 4,000 maps.

In this hands-on workshop, we will give you an overview of the NYPL Map Warper tool (available at maps.nypl.org) as well as get you started warping maps. Come learn more about how to use this tool and the ways in which it can impact your research. For more information, watch the tutorial at maps.nypl.org, or send an email to [email protected] or[email protected].

This workshop is free and open to the public with advance registration. Please visit cuny.is/mapwarper for further details.