Erin Glass is a doctoral student in English. She is interested in the way science and literature continually borrow from, impose upon and subtly influence one another. After receiving a B.A. in English from UCLA, she worked as the online arts editor at The San Diego Union-Tribune. She’s written stories and produced multimedia content on a diverse array of topics such as medical ethics, hitchhikers, healthcare, burrito wars and the lore and chemistry of certain illegal beverages. Wanting a change of pace, she ditched the high-tech media world for off-the-grid living in upstate New York where she worked as goat farmer, artisan cheese maker and organic vegetable farm hand. After thoroughly indulging her Luddite fantasies, she has taken an interest in the many forms of resistance, enthusiasm and social change that accompany shifts in media technology. Her first tech-related project at the GC has been building a new website for the Interdisciplinary Science Studies Committee with the generous and awesome support of the New Media Lab.