Twitter for Academics

Room 5409 @ The GC 365 Fifth Ave, New York, NY

Topics to be discussed and demonstrated include deciding who to follow and for what reasons, strategies for using tagging and hastags, harnessing the power of media stats on blogs and articles, creating Twitter lists, live tweeting, frequency of tweets, social media aggregators and notifications to streamline workflow, and balancing personal and professional content. RSVP here.

Cheryl Ball on Making the Case for Scholarly Multimedia

Room 5409 @ The GC 365 Fifth Ave, New York, NY

Thursday, Sept 11, 6:30pm, Room 5409 : Cheryl Ball on Making the Case for Scholarly Multimedia The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative reminds you that Dr. Cheryl E. Ball, West Virginia University, will join us for a presentation and workshop on “Making the Case for Scholarly Multimedia.” This event is co-sponsored by the Graduate Center Composition …


“MOOCs and Other Hyped Disruptions” – George Otte

Room 5409 @ The GC 365 Fifth Ave, New York, NY

Mon, Oct 21, 6:30 - 8pm: George Otte "MOOCs and Other Hyped Disruptions" The GC Composition and Rhetoric Community is delighted to invite you to join us in GC room 5409 on Monday, October 21st from 6:30 - 8pm. George Otte (CUNY's Director of Academic Technology, Chief Academic Officer of the School of Professional Studies, and …