Digital Humanities Institute Lightning Talks

The Martin E. Segal Theatre @ The GC 365 Fifth Ave., New York, NY

Present your digital humanities project, research, or questions during a 3-minute / 3-slide “lightning” talk. Lightning talks offer a very brief insight into your ongoing digital humanities project, research, or activity to a community of engaged CUNY colleagues.

GC End-of-Year Showcase

The Martin E. Segal Theatre @ The GC 365 Fifth Ave., New York, NY

The GC Digital Initiatives End-of-Year Showcase features presentations from students across the #DigitalGC community. This year, it will be held Tuesday, May 14th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The program includes presentations by The Digital Praxis Seminar Class, the Data for Public Good Project, recipients of the Provost's Digital Innovation Grants, and other projects …