Labs & Centers

GCDI has an array of labs and centers which offer students and faculty a place for gathering and a sense of community while also providing access to resources in data mining, house data repositories, and provide spatial mapping services.

GCDI Spaces | Around the GC

GCDI Spaces

bird's eye view of digital scholarship lab; people sitting at table talking.GC Digital Scholarship Lab

The GC Digital Scholarship Lab (at the Graduate Center, CUNY) is a collaborative research space whose project-based work centers on the use of technology in scholarship and pedagogy. We focus particularly on the creation of collaboratively produced, community-based, public-facing, open-source software platforms for scholarly communication. Specific projects include Commons In A Box, DH Box, Debates in the Digital Humanities, Manifold Scholarship, ImagePlot, Selfiecity and Social Paper.

Serving as the central hub for GC Digital Initiatives and its community, the Lab also provides space for the GCDI fellowship programs. Fellows use the space to collaborate on digital projects, consult on student projects, develop curricula for workshops and institutes, host recurring meetings such as Python User Group, produce videos, and experiment with emerging technologies. In support of these endeavors, the Lab houses technical resources including a laptop cart of 30 Mac laptops, a 3D printer, physical computing components such as Arduinos and Raspberry Pis, five workstations, a printer, podcasting equipment, and large-format data visualization monitors.

To learn more, visit us in room 7414 at the Graduate Center, CUNY, or write to the lab director, Matthew K. Gold ([email protected]).

To learn more about the programming and events that take place in the Lab, see our Calendar and/or Participate page.

New Media Lab

Under the direction of Andrea Vasquez, the New Media Lab works with Graduate Center and CUNY faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to conceive and create groundbreaking multimedia projects based on student and faculty scholarly research. With ongoing support from CUNY, the New Media Lab has become a dynamic environment in which projects funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Rockefeller Foundation, and other private and public sources demonstrate new approaches and methods of merging digital media, scholarship, and learning.

Run under the auspices of the Center for Media and Learning / American Social History Project, NML researchers: work across academic disciplines to produce scholarly digital media projects; analyze Internet and other digital media usage in the educational, social, and commercial sectors; construct interactive environments that explore ways of visualizing the arts, humanities, and sciences; digitally archive and analyze a wide range of data; participate in public programs that address the critical intersection of knowledge and technology.

The CUNY Center for Digital Scholarship and Data Visualization

As part of the CUNY 2020 Big Data Consortium, The Graduate Center will establish a new Center for Digital Scholarship and Data Visualization that will foster coordination with the public and private sectors. The purpose of the Center is three-fold. First, the Center will create new knowledge and develop new visualization techniques and software based on its partnerships with leading cultural institutions. Second, the GC will capitalize on the knowledge and techniques at the Center and will share them through both degree and non-degree teaching of methods, such as the new MA Program in Digital Humanities and MS Program in Data Analysis and Visualization. Third, in consultation with partners such as Microsoft Research, Tableau Software, and Alteryx Software, the Center will develop big data visualization consultancy services to private and public sector enterprises.

Around the GC

Quantitative Research Consulting Center

The Quantitative Research Consulting Center (QRCC) provides the GC Community with resources and support for statistical analysis in quantitative and empirical research. They host walk-in hours, one-on-one appointments, workshops and events that aim to offer help with project/research planning, data analysis, statistical programming and writing to members of all levels of programs at the Graduate Center (MA and PhD students, Post-docs, Faculty). This programming “bridg[es] the gap between the classroom and implementation in researchers’ own work. 

CUNY Mapping Service

Part of the Center for Urban Research, the CUNY Mapping Service, directed by Steve Romalewski, “engages with foundations, government agencies, businesses, nonprofits, and other CUNY researchers to use spatial information and analysis techniques to develop and execute applied research projects.” Romalewski and his team of four build online applications that connect to powerful databases to create interactive maps.

The Teaching and Learning Center 

The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) at the CUNY Graduate Center “creates and connects opportunities for GC students to grow as educators and scholars within the nation’s largest public urban university system”. In this endeavor, the TLC compiles and creates resources and guides, creates opportunities for graduate student instructors to mingle and collaborate, and provides an opportunity for critical, public, pedagogy-focused reflection on their blog, Visible Pedagogy.