Sonification for Data Communication | Connor French | 2021 |
Exploring Data with Python and Pandas | Rafael Davis Portela | 2021 |
The mostly non-STEM guide to data literacy | Hannah Aizenman | 2017 |
Fun Times with SQLite! Or, a Beginner’s Tutorial to Data Management and Databases with SQL | Ian Phillips | 2016 |
Data Visualization Workshop Outline | Hannah Aizenman | 2015 |
Databases for Smart People Who Are Scared of Databases | Keith Miyake | 2015 |
Data Debugging Workshop Outline | Hannah Aizenman | 2015 |
Finding Digital Archives | Jeff Binder | 2015 |
Digital Tools for Qualitative Data Analysis | Patrick Sweeney | 2015 |
Intro to Data Cleaning and Visualization Tools Handout | A.L. McMichael | 2014 |
Linking Outside the Box (Linked Data for the Uninitiated, Part 2) | A.L. McMichael | 2013 |
Linked Data for the Uninitiated (Part 1) | A.L. McMichael | 2013 |
Organizing Image Collections handout | A.L. McMichael | 2013 |
DH and Design | A.L. McMichael | 2015 |
A Crash Course in Digital Photo Editing | A.L. McMichael | 2014 |
Introduction to Image Editing Handout | A.L. McMichael | 2014 |
Illuminating the Challenges of Web Design | Laura Kane | 2014 |
Choosing the Right Platform for Your Digital Archive | Stefano Morello | 2021 |
Teaching with Omeka | Stefano Morello | 2020 |
A Legible Digital Archive: Displaying and Sorting Content on Your Omeka Site | Stefano Morello | 2019 |
Transforming TEI for the Web | Filipa Calado | 2019 |
How to Organize Data for Maps | Rilquer Mascarenhas | 2022 |
Quick and easy mapping with R | Rilquer Mascarenhas | 2021 |
Top Mapping Mistakes | Olivia Ildefonso | 2021 |
Interactively Explore Geographic Data in R Using Leaflet | Connor French | 2019 |
Create A Rich Multimedia Narrative with ESRI Story Maps | Olivia Ildefonso | 2019 |
Finding the Right Tools for Mapping | Olivia Ildefonso | 2019 |
Finding Data for Mapping: Tips and Tricks | Javier Otero Peña | 2018 |
Treebanking with Arethusa | Jeremy March | 2015 |
Intro to Mapping with CartoDB | Keith Miyake | 2015 |
Learning to Map with ArcGIS StoryMaps | Keith Miyake | 2014 |
Reading Documentation: A Practical Approach for Beginners | Zachary Lloyd | 2022 |
How to Update R Using the Installr Package | Yuxiao Luo | 2022 |
RStudio Cloud for Education | Connor French | 2020 |
On Choosing a Mobile Platform in the Digital Humanities | Jeremy March | 2016 |
iOS | Jeremy March | 2016 |
Python workshop | Michelle McSweeney | 2016 |
Python resources | Patrick Smyth | 2016 |
Python resources | Patrick Smyth | 2015 |
Python Workshop Outline | Patrick Smyth | 2015 |
How to Get Started with Python | Hannah Aizenman | 2015 |
Programming with Python workshop materials | Patrick Smyth | 2014 |
Intro to the Command Line | Keith Miyake | 2014 |
Set up a development environment | Evan Misshula | 2014 |
Speaking of ‘Speaking in Code’ (Part 2) | Micki Kaufman | 2013 |
Speaking of ‘Speaking in Code’ (Part 1) | Micki Kaufman | 2013 |
Getting the Most Out of GCDI Workshops | Nicole Cote | 2022 |
How the GCDI Digital Research Institute Planted the Seed that Allowed My Research and Career Goals to Grow in New Directions | Rebecca Kreisel | 2022 |
Github | Mary Catherine Kinniburgh | 2016 |
Getting started on github | Patrick Smyth | 2015 |
Research Management Tools | Keith Miyake | 2014 |
“Research Management” handout | Erin Glass | 2013 |
Evernote Guide | Erin Glass | 2013 |
Project Management, or, Your Hand is Not Your Dayplanner | Erin Glass | 2013 |
The Right to Repair: Why We Should be Given the Information and Tools to Repair our Personal Electronics | Sam O’Hana | 2022 |
MEDIA RES #2: NYC DH Lightning Talks | Erin Glass | 2015 |
Your Most Valuable Resource…People! | Ian Phillips | 2015 |
The Complexity of Machine Writing | Jeff Binder | 2015 |
Teaching Ancient Greek with iOS and Android | Jeremy March | 2015 |
The Contours of Community: Recap of “CUNY DHI, Building a DH Community” Lightning Talks | Mary Catherine Kinniburgh | 2015 |
Tool refresh: a crash course | Erin Glass | 2013 |
Turning an idea into a tool | Erin Glass | 2013 |
Is this what reading looks like? | Erin Glass | 2013 |
Guide to Digital Dissertations | Param Ajmera | 2022 |
Finding the Perfect OCR | Leanne Fan | 2022 |
Text Analysis with AntCoc | Param Ajmera | 2021 |
Working with HathiTrust Data | Param Ajmera | 2020 |
Using Voyant-Tools to Formulate Research Questions for Textual Data | Filipa Calado | 2018 |
Getting the Most out of a Humble Technology: Word Search | Jeff Binder | 2015 |
Text Analysis with MALLET | Michelle McSweeney | 2015 |
Basic Audio Editing with Audacity | Di Yoong | 2021 |
Thinking with Sound: Starting a Podcast Project | Di Yoong | 2020 |