As part of a generous grant from New York State’s CUNY Strategic Investment Initiative, GC Digital Initiatives purchased equipment for physical computing, 3D printing, and audio production to develop a maker space at The Graduate Center.

The GC Maker Space currently lives in the Digital Scholarship Lab, Room 7414 and runs on the premise that hands-on experiments lead to critical engagement with technologies. We invite participants to drop by, ask questions, follow a tutorial to experiment with a new technology, or even consider developing a research project in our following areas of equipment and mentoring support:

  • Physical computing
  • Sound production
  • 3D printing and modelling

Our lab runs on the premise that hands-on experiments lead to critical engagement with technologies. We encourage participants to privilege process over product, to work collaboratively, and to help us envision the type of community we’d like the GC Maker Space to be.

For more information on how to get involved or to schedule an appointment, please fill out our contact form. We look forward to sharing in this space and its possibilities with you.