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Theorizing the Web

March 2, 2013

JustPublics@365, The Graduate Center, ARC, OpenCUNY and the Department of Sociology are pleased to host Theorizing the Web 2013 (#TtW13) Conference, Saturday, March 2.  There will be a pre-conference meetup and panel discussion on the evening of Friday, March 1. All events are held at The Graduate Center, CUNY, 365 Fifth Avenue.

Saturday March 2nd, Concourse Level

10:00am | Doors open
Pick up name badges and print programs.

10:30am-10:45am | Opening Remarks | Auditorium

11:00am-12:15pm | Session 1

Ctrl+Alt+Del: Control, Resistance, and Refusal | Room A | #a1
Presider: Tanya Lokot (@tanyalokot)
Hashtag Moderator: Whitney Erin Boesel (@phenatypical)

Laura Portwood-Stacer @lportwoodstacer How We Talk about Media Refusal: Popular Frames for Understanding Resistance to Social Media Platforms in Everyday Life
Raiford Guins Beyond Bridges, Speed-Bumps, And Hotel Keys: A New Design Paradigm for Control Technologies
Malcolm Harris @BigMeanInternet Crowd-Sourcing Assassination 2.0
Tom Slee @whimsley From Facebook to Banquets: Identity, Institutions, and Uprisings


The Participatory Culture Industry | Room B | #b1
Presider: Tara L. Conley (@taralconley)
Hashtag Moderator: Dorothy Santos (@deedottiedot)

Andrea Baker @andee A Digital/Physical Day in the Life of A Rock Music Fan: Online and Offline at Concerts
Sam Han @sam__han Digital Fetishism, KPop and Projective Modernity: A Culturalist World-Systems Analysis of MyKoreanBoyfriend.com
Jasmine Salters @blkgirlwithapen Digitally (re)imagining the black female body: Representing race, gender, and class in sensual massage ads
Nicholas Boston ‘Remember to click “Subscribe” an’ tell yuh friend dem dat Ramchan deh ‘pon YouChoob!’:
YouTube, Cross-generational Drag and Caribbean Diasporic Technologies of the Self


Memory and the Speed of Data | Room C | #c1
Presider: Matthew K. Gold (@mkgold)
Hashtag Moderator: Phil Tietjen (@ptietjen)

Lev Manovich @manovich Understanding the data stream
Sophia Drakopoulou The ‘lived now.’ Observing the changes in the spatiotemporal experience of everyday life through the use of ICTs
Caitie Kealy @saltypalms Viral Velocity: States of Interaction in Meme Culture
Piergiorgio Degli Esposti @pgde Death on Facebook. Mourning and memory as a prosumer activity


Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction | Room D | #d1
Presider: Sarah Wanenchak (@dynamicsymmetry)
Hashtag Moderator: TBA

Andrea Marshall Star Trek and Subjectivity: Fan Videos as Sexual Textual Critiques
Cameron Paul Mediating Beyond the Page: Objectivity, Materiality, and Environmental Approaches to Digital Poetics
Faith Holland @asugarhigh Internet as Pussy/Pussy as Internet
Olivia Rosane @orosane The Republic of Tweets


12:30pm-1:45pm | Session 2

You Are What You Post | Room A | #a2
Presider: Sava Saheli Singh (@savasavasava)
Hashtag Moderator: Emily Johnson (@scremily)

Carolyn Kane Infrared: The Algorithmic Production of Visual Knowledge
Rotem Rozental @rotroz Framing an Emergency: Photography in Areas of Conflict
Rob Horning @marginalutility Rationalized identity construction, networked subjectivity, and the emerging ‘data self’
Dorothy Santos @deedottiedot The Distant Gaze and Contemporary Notions of Perception:
Re-examining the New Aesthetic Movement through an Analysis of Satellite Technologies in New Media and Digital Arts


The Facebook Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism | Room B | #b2
Presider: Chih-Chin Chen (@ChihChinChen)
Hashtag Moderator: Karen Gregory (@claudiakincaid)

Andrea Hunter Monetizing the Mommy: The Commodification of Motherhood in Blogs
Brooke Duffy @brookeerinduffy Women Making Media: Revisiting Questions of Gender, Labor, and Power in the Digital Age
Jeremy Antley @jsantley Data Serfdom in the Modern Age: Constructing a New Feudal Order
Mohammad Kazeroun @mkazeroun Social Media and Reproduction of Prosumer Identity:
Re-considering advertising strategies in the age of ubiquitous social media


The New Politics of Participation & Persuasion | Room C | #c2
Presider: Tyler Crabb
Hashtag Moderator: Michelle Forelle (@MCForelle)

Danie Kreiss* @kreissdaniel Media Events in a Networked Age: Twitter Publics and Active Spectatorship
David Parry @academicdave When Elections Become Social Engineering Campaigns
Linda Huber @_puellaludens Updating the discourse: practices of political news production and consumption on the Facebook news feed
Mona Kleinberg @MonaBrooklyn US Democracy, Race and Online News

* Co-authored with Laura Meadows.


IRL in the URL: Digital Dualism of the “Real” & “Virtual” | Room D | #d2
Presider: Whitney Erin Boesel (@phenatypical)
Hashtag Moderator: Jeffery Keefer (@JeffreyKeefer)

Tristan Rodman @thetape This is You: Turntable.fm and the Digital/Physical Divide
Stéphane Vial @svial There is no difference between the “real” and the “virtual”: a brief phenomenology of digital revolution
Lesley Gourlay* @lesleygourlay Critiquing digital dualism in Higher Education: a posthuman / sociomaterial account of student entanglements with technologies
David Banks @da_banks On the Political Origins of Digital Dualism: From Rousseau’s Masturbating Habits to The Front Page of the New York Times

* Co-authored with Martin Oliver.

1:45pm-3:00pm | Lunch

3:00pm-4:15pm | Session 3

The New Technologies of Surveillance Society | Room A | #a3
Presider: Carla Ilten
Hashtag Moderator: Rotem Rozental

Andrew Schrock @aschrock User-Driven Video Surveillance in the Occupy Movement: Capturing Conflict, Claiming Space
Avery Henry Frustrating the Technostrategic Gaze: Poststructuralist Anarchy as a Response to the Surveillance Society
Karen Levy The Automation of Compliance: Techno-Legal Regulation in the U.S. Trucking Industry
Tobias Matzner Online Identity and the Fragmentation of the Internet


Bodies and Bits | Room B | #b3
Presider: Jen Jack Gieseking (@jgieseking)
Hashtag Moderator: TBA

Christina Dunbar-Hester ‘The Internet Is A Series Of (Fallopian) Tubes’: “Diversity” Activism in Hacker and Software Projects
Gina Neff @ginasue What We Talk About When We Talk Data: Metrics, Mobilization, and Materiality in Performing Health Online
Jenny Davis @Jup83 Identity Prosumption and the Quantified Self Movement
John Michalczyk Disability & Technology: Redefining the Stage and the Field


Infostructures of Knowledge | Room | #c3
Presider: William Yagatich (@Praxis_In_Space)
Hashtag Moderator: Shane Tilton (@silnan)

Bonnie Stewart @bonstewart MOOCs are Not the Enemy: Networked, Non-Imperialist MOOC Models
Daniel Greene @greene_dm ‘Do We Have A Sign That Says ‘Weirdos Welcome?’: Urban Libraries and the Control of Access
R. Stuart Geiger @staeiou Values Where? Interrogating Client-Side Scripting as a Design Process
Shannon Sindorf @shannonsindorf In defense of eavesdropping: Twitter as conversation, not self-indulgence


4:30pm | Keynote | #k1 | Auditorium

The Emerging Culture of Surveillance: Digital Data, Visibility, and the Web
Speaker: David Lyon


6:00pm | After party
The afterparty is upstairs at Slattery’s Midtown Pub (8 E. 36th Street), two blocks from the Graduate Center.