The RUG weekly summer meeting will be held on Friday (3-4 pm) starting from Jul 1. Our meeting will span 8 consecutive weeks in Jul and Aug. This RUG Summer meeting series is for both beginners and R users since we have enough time (8 weeks) to start with the basics and delve into the deep. We plan to use the book R for Data Science as our “textbook” and go through the essential chapters in that. Moreover, we may add some R statistical analysis and text analysis to the meeting, which is not fully covered in the book.
Please join our R Slack Channel to keep updated: https://join.slack.com/t/cuny-rug/shared_invite/zt-19jzg1kn7-wdibt2ziGnFC5Id9VXxC6Q
Here is the Zoom meeting info:
Meeting ID: 335 553 2575
Passcode: 2022
Rilquer & Yuxiao