As we’ve seen from all of the COVID trackers, maps can be powerful tools for revealing important spatial phenomena and disseminating knowledge during a pandemic. We are interested in putting our skills to use to create other maps that can be helpful in this critical moment. Perhaps we can make maps that help to identify people’s needs and vulnerabilities? Or maps that assist with resource distribution? What do you think would be the most helpful factors to collect data on and visualize in a map? Please, join us for a brainstorming session on April 17th at noon!
Please note, this is an inclusive event for people with a wide variety of skill sets. We welcome anyone who can help with research design, data collection, data management, and data visualization.
In preparation for the session, we are collecting COVID related maps (anything other than contamination trackers). We would like to know what has already been created so we can identify what’s still missing. Please share resources that you have come across by including them in the registration form or by emailing them to [email protected] with the subject “COVID Maps”.
How to Participate
All GCDI meetings and events will convene remotely until further notice. To participate in this event, REGISTER HERE at least two hours prior to the event. Only registered participants will receive the email with the link and password granting access to the online event. These emails will be sent within one hour of the start.