Matplotlib is the most widely used visualization library in Python. There are two entry points into the library: the pyplot API which mimics MATLAB (widely used in engineering disciplines) and the object-oriented (OO) API. While the pyplot API is convenient for interactive work, to fully exploit the the library the OO API gives the user significantly more power and flexibility. This talk will cover the high-level architecture of Matplotlib, demystify the components of an image, explain what backends are and how they work, and give pointers to more resources for learning Matplotlib.
This talk is given by Thomas Caswell, who is the current lead-developer of Matplotlib. Thomas is also a physicist by training (PhD UChicago ’14) currently working as an Associate Computational Scientist at National Sychrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL) as a member of the Data Acquisition Management and Analysis (DAMA) group.
This event is cosponsored with the Computer Science department at the Graduate Center and does not require any registration.