Wish you could jump into the digital conversation by actually using digital and social media? You can.
JustPublics@365 is offering free workshops for academics on Wednesday, March 6th, from 10am to 1pm at The Graduate Center, CUNY. These Graduate Center Ph.D. students will be offering workshops to help faculty and graduate students improve their digital skills.
Each workshop runs 45 minutes and they are BYOD (bring your own device, or computer). FREE and open to anyone (photo ID required to enter building).
Getting the Most out of the WordPress Dashboard: Custom Menus and Plug-ins
One of the most useful features of the WordPress dashboard is the Custom Menus option, a tool that enables users to display, in addition to traditional page tabs, categories and drop-down menus for sub-categories. Another useful Dashboard feature is the Plug-in feature; users can extend the functionality of WordPress by installing plug-ins that are easily integrated into Widgets. This workshop will (1) explore the options available in Custom Menus, (2) introduce some basic plug-ins, and (3) demonstrate how plug-ins are integrated into widgetized areas.
Laura Kane is a third year doctoral student in Philosophy and a Digital Fellow at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Laura is also a student in the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program, where she has learned to develop digital solutions for challenges faced by educators. She currently teaches at Hunter College, and is an At-Large Representative in the Doctoral Students’ Council.