Introduction to JavaScript – Part II


JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages and the premiere programming language of the web. In this second workshop of a two-part series, we will utilize our newfound knowledge of JavaScript to add interactivity to a web page. **First part of the workshop is on Feb. 17th, workshop event link here. Please REGISTER …

RUG Meeting Online 4 – 5pm


This Friday RUG is coming back and we will talk about 2 topics. One is the floating trap in programming, the other might be the chatGPT application in R. I also uploaded the tutorial for last RUG meeting about geocoding in R. Zoom Info: Meeting ID: 853 0282 6879 Passcode: rug  

Python User Group (PUG) – Online


Python User Group (or PUG for short) is an open and informal collaborative space for experimentation and exploration with the Python programming language. It is an opportunity for those interested in Python to work together virtually and find support. Whether you are looking for advice or assistance with new or current projects, looking to discuss …

Introduction to linear regression and model selection in R


This workshop is intended to build up on R introduction workshop last semester and extend it to data analysis. In this workshop, we will learn how to implement linear regression model and interpret the results. Moreover, we will cover how to use the best-tuned model to predict continuous and binary output. Preliminary knowledge about R …

WordPress: attractive websites with elementor


One of the main questions when creating a website in Wordpress is how to make it more attractive. In this workshop we will learn about the popular plugin elementor. We will learn how it can make it simpler to design our sites and to take into consideration a responsive design for different devices. We will …

“Dissertation Futures” Online Roundtable Discussion


We are excited to bring to you a roundtable discussion on the topic of the future of dissertations to help students and faculty consider the possibilities and challenges of producing digital and alternative scholarship that leads to the culmination of the doctoral degree. Please join us in “Dissertation Futures” online event that will be taking …

GitHub Part II: Building a Static Website


This session is a follow-up from last semester’s intro to Git and Github. But, even if you didn’t attend last time, you are still welcome to join! We will be learning some of the basics for building and hosting a simple website with GitHub and Jekyll. This is a great resource if you want a …

RUG Meeting


RUG meeting will be held 4 - 5 pm. Zoom Info: Meeting ID: 853 0282 6879 Passcode: rug

Summary Statistics for Text as Data


Got your hands on a new textual corpus and not sure what to do next? This workshop will introduce some off the shelf tools to help you make sense of your data to begin theoretical inquiry. Some intro to Python will be necessary; workshop will be demonstrated on Jupyter Notebook. Feel free to bring your …

Practical Approaches to Social Media Research Now


Social media offers rich terrain for academic research, and despite many social media companies' claims to be working on methods of opening up access to data for researchers, the reality is that companies like Twitter are making discovery and use of data more challenging and more expensive. Join the GC Digital Fellows as they host …