What is WordPress? Create Your First Website on the Commons


Websites have become a critical tool in academic scholarship. From a personal website or the site for an academic event to a public facing project such as a digital archive, websites are a tool we all can explore. Being able to create websites or participating as an author on an existing one is, therefore, an …

Text Analysis with NLTK [Fall Python Series]


Python Intensive Workshops: An Exploration of Research Tools for Beginners Join GCDI for our second workshop in the Python Intensive Workshops: An Exploration of Research Tools for Beginners and learn how to extract text from web pages using Python. Knowledge from this workshop will be strengthened in Python User Group (PUG) sessions, which run on …

Git It: Intro to Git and GitHub for Absolute Beginners


Git and GitHub are powerful tools for collaborative and individual projects. Git is a version control software that aids with tracking changes made to a set of files over time. GitHub is a web-based platform for storing, sharing, and collaborating on project files online. This session begins with a conceptual overview of both tools, including …

Spreadsheets aren’t Boring! Spreadsheets for Beginners


Microsoft Excel/Google Spreadsheets is a powerful tool used by researchers to quickly summarize, clean, and make sense of data. Learning this tool could also build a foundation to learn other …

Tables and Pandas and Python! Oh my! [Fall Python Series]


In this online synchronous workshop, we are going to learn some basic commands in Pandas, an expansive Python library for working with tabular data like CSV files. You can think of Pandas as a more powerful version of Excel that operates within the Python environment, where you can wrangle, clean, analyze, and visualize data. Knowing …

Introduction to Python [Fall Python Series]


Fall Python Series: An Exploration of Research Tools for Beginners   Join GCDI for a fall Python series exploring various research methods and tools. We will begin by introducing the programming language Python and then continue by practicing and building out core skills through various practical applications, including text analysis with NLTK, data analysis with …

Create Elegant Webpages with Bootstrap


Have you ever wanted to create a professional-looking webpage, but found yourself limited by your CSS skills? Learn how to make use of Bootstrap, a free and open-source CSS framework, …

Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup [Fall Python Series]


Python Intensive Workshops: An Exploration of Research Tools for Beginners Join GCDI for our fourth workshop in the Python Intensive Workshops: An Exploration of Research Tools for Beginners and learn …

Map Your Way into Mapping: GIS Basics


This one-hour workshop is aimed at introducing you to the basic concepts of Geographic Information System (GIS). We will understand the main types of spatial formats in which we can …