Data for Social Research Workshop Series
The Graduate Center Library offers a series of workshops on data mapping
and GIS sources.
Part 1: Finding Data
March 4th, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
The first in the series, Finding Data emphasizes sources of data
(demographic, economic, and social data) applied to illustrate social
justice initiatives.
Part 2: Analyzing and Visualizing Data
March 11th, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
The second in the series, Analyzing and Visualizing Data reviews web
applications and software for analyzing and visualizing demographic,
economic, and social data.
Part 3: Mapping Data
March 18th, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
The third in the series, Mapping Data explores both free and
subscription GIS resources to map social science data.
All workshops take place on Wednesday evenings at the Graduate Center
Library in room C196.02 (concourse level). To register, select the corresponding date
from the dropdown menu on the registration page. Participants may register for some or all
of the series, but there is a separate RSVP for each session.